
domes up close

domes up close
Liquid Applied Truncated Domes

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stimulus or Perpetual Reconstruction

Construction contractors are squeaking by with any work just to stay in business, public works and city staffers are keeping busy and slapping down whatever truncated dome product meets their specifications even if that means they have to rip it up in a few months -- and they often do.

Vanguard ADA Systems is frequently seen at tradeshows such as World of Concrete, National Paving Expo, ATSSA, APWA, Conexpo, RECon, ATPA, etc. So why are we so persistent about getting our product on the ground nationwide?

Founder Jon Julnes points out that
his unique patented application process allows
truncated dome installation to accommodate
any curve or radii, without seams.
I personally invented The Vanguard Detectable Warning System because in the early 90’s I finally became angry enough at my projects  (and their detectable warning products) failing, using all those other products, that one day I just said “enough is enough” and I came up with a detectable warning that actually stays on the ground, doesn’t become slippery when wet, won’t curl up in the sun, won’t pop off due to freeze thaw heave, actually fits exactly the space wherein which the detectable warnings are to be installed, goes fluidly around all radii, has zero seams, ergo no water penetration below the installation…and on and on and on. - Jon Julnes, Founder.

When asked about the 5 year Replacement Warranty Vanguard provides with every installation, Julnes simply states, I don't care if we have to go back and replace a few ramps for free. It's the right thing to do to get the job done right. In most cases though, it'll be there in the same condition serving the public for decades to come. Not to mention, this is the flat-out easiest and least expensive detectable warning product to repair!

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