
domes up close

domes up close
Liquid Applied Truncated Domes

Friday, October 14, 2011

Vanguard Demonstration in your town

Jon Julnes, the liquid applied truncated dome inventor, has been traveling around Denver, CO and surrounding towns giving demonstrations alongside Vanguard Approved Installers, showing just how easy and cost effective it is to install.

Schedule your Vanguard demonstration now and we will come train your people to install Vanguard Detectable Warnings.

What are you waiting for? Installation Kits are available
Call 360-668-5700 today to schedule a Demo in your city!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"From Sea to Shining Sea..."
Not just pretty words...it's a challenge.  We're looking to cover this great land of ours in truncated domes - to provide greater safety to the visually impaired.  To do that we need installers in EVERY state.  Now YOU can install the revolutionary Vanguard Detectable Warnings with our new installation kit.

We're offering special pricing to new installers, so call 360-668-5700 today or click here.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Hollywood is Calling: You Can Be A Movie Star

It's your big break, well, maybe.  Want to be in the next Vanguard ADA video?  Send us photos or video clips of your Vanguard Detectable Warning project installed or being installed and you could be featured in our upcoming video.  Hollywood is calling, don't delay. To see the step-by-step process, click here or watch the video.

Don't have a project to profile?  Now YOU can install the revolutionary Vanguard Detectable Warnings with our new installation kit.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Now YOU can Install Vanguard Detectable Warnings

Vanguard Detectable Warnings install for less, last longer, and require virtually NO maintenance. They can be used in new construction or to retro-fit existing locations to comply with ADAAG guidelines.

Because the truncated domes are liquid applied and bond to the surface, they follow every subtle variation in the existing substrate and every change the surface will go through over it's lifespan.

To see the step-by-step process, click here or watch the video.

Now YOU can install the revolutionary Vanguard Detectable Warnings with our new installation kit.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Water or Gas vault in sidewalk ramp

Recently Founder, Jon Julnes, received a phone call regarding a stimulus funded project from an engineer in St Louis.  He wanted to know if our product could do a certain thing, because if he couldn’t find a solution, his project couldn’t be funded.

The problem was a water or gas vault in the middle of a sidewalk ramp, which obviously was also going to need detectable warnings.
Problem: water/gas vault at sidwalk ramp
Compounding Problem: As shown above, other ADA products don't provide consistent coverage.
The engineer continued “no one else can put domes on the vault cover and still allow it to be functional.  The cost to move the vault is prohibitive, and the ADA doesn’t allow an exclusion for that!”
To which Jon replied “well…’no one’ might be a bit too limiting, but you’re right…they can’t…we can”.
Solution: Vanguard Application over gas/water vault
Vanguard Detectable Warnings will install on any dry hard surface -- including concrete, asphalt, wood, steel, brick, etc. The 5 Year Replacement Warranty still applies in this instance.
Solution: Vanguard Application over manhole demonstrated
So the problem of a man hole cover, gas vault, or water vault in the midst of the sidewalk ramp is not an excuse or deterrent from fulfilling the ADAAG required truncated dome placement.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Stimulus or Perpetual Reconstruction

Construction contractors are squeaking by with any work just to stay in business, public works and city staffers are keeping busy and slapping down whatever truncated dome product meets their specifications even if that means they have to rip it up in a few months -- and they often do.

Vanguard ADA Systems is frequently seen at tradeshows such as World of Concrete, National Paving Expo, ATSSA, APWA, Conexpo, RECon, ATPA, etc. So why are we so persistent about getting our product on the ground nationwide?

Founder Jon Julnes points out that
his unique patented application process allows
truncated dome installation to accommodate
any curve or radii, without seams.
I personally invented The Vanguard Detectable Warning System because in the early 90’s I finally became angry enough at my projects  (and their detectable warning products) failing, using all those other products, that one day I just said “enough is enough” and I came up with a detectable warning that actually stays on the ground, doesn’t become slippery when wet, won’t curl up in the sun, won’t pop off due to freeze thaw heave, actually fits exactly the space wherein which the detectable warnings are to be installed, goes fluidly around all radii, has zero seams, ergo no water penetration below the installation…and on and on and on. - Jon Julnes, Founder.

When asked about the 5 year Replacement Warranty Vanguard provides with every installation, Julnes simply states, I don't care if we have to go back and replace a few ramps for free. It's the right thing to do to get the job done right. In most cases though, it'll be there in the same condition serving the public for decades to come. Not to mention, this is the flat-out easiest and least expensive detectable warning product to repair!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Frugal Sustainability

Installer applies recycled glass beads
Vanguard detectable warnings not only help provide the non skid characteristics necessary for pedestrian use; they also reflect light, making them one of the most visible detectable warnings at night. This retroreflectivity is made up of 25% recycled materials, glass beads, that give Vanguard detectable warnings the texture needed for a continuously non skid surface.
For many business who have made it through this recession, it has been a long haul of tightening our belts and applying the old World War 2 saying "Use It Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do" to daily business operations. Nearly everything in life requires maintenance, Vanguard isn’t unique in that…snowplows can pretty much damage titanium! But Vanguard costs less to maintain than any other product!

Vanguard ADA Systems participated in the Montana DOT Post-Winter Durability Test done in 2005, see the result and many other ADA related resources on the resources page.

While other products require a backhoe, lane closures, traffic control plans and two to five days of loss of use (road closures), costing literally thousands of dollars, Vanguard repairs require about 30 minutes, and cost about $35.00, or less. Most of the time, repairs to Vanguard products are covered in the 5 year Replacement Warranty and end up saving property owners and city staffers some serious green.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What are those dots for?

"Oh hey, what are those for?"  the average construction tradeshow attendee will say; "Wait ...don't tell me, they are supposed to be like speed bumps, for cars... or maybe pedestrians, right? Ok, ok, tell me what it is?" 

Close-up of
Vanguard Non-Skid
Truncated Domes
Still have no idea what detectable warnings are? In a country where we make equal opportunity employment and disability access a priority, how is it that so many construction professionals still are left scratching their heads when they see a photo of truncated domes?

Truncated domes, or more the commonly known detectable warnings, are used by the blind and visually impaired to navigate crosswalks and other pedestrian areas. These tactile cues are literally "Braille for the Feet", alerting the visually impaired via texture and high visual contrast that they are about to go into a high traffic area. At times truncated domes will be accompanied by audible signals also called detectable warnings at intersection crosswalks but these are not always available.

Standard Detectable Warning at Curb Ramp
If you work in the construction industry, no doubt, you’re seeing more and more mention of detectable warnings on your bid requests, designs, and projects. No doubt you've  already tried multiple other products, finding out all too well, they need repair far too soon.

Of course, it is seemingly efficient and cost effective to buy a box of “you-name-the-brand” detectable warnings and just plop them in, keeping your own laborers busy. That’s the way some people do it.

Vanguard truncated domes are different. Very. Vanguard Detectable Warning systems are liquid applied, bonding both mechanically and chemically to the underlying surface. Vanguard has approved installers nationwide to properly install and guarantee their work. Using Vanguard improves the overall quality and appeal of your finished project!

Liquid applied Vanguard Detectable Warnings bond with the entire surface, making them 100% seamless. Water penetration that can cause freeze/thaw heave is simply impossible.

Vanguard is non-skid (not “slip resistant”) so your projects are safer than with any other system available for pedestrian traffic.

Vanguard installers will assess the surface preparation, manufacture on-site the perfectly calibrated mixture for the underlying surface and known climate conditions in the area, and apply to the surface leaving zero clearance and no trip hazards. All this without the need of concrete recesses, demolition, heavy equipment, road closures, traffic redirection, etc.

Can you see how this low maintenance installation method would save your city money and time? Not to mention the accessibility liability issues that most public works and municipalities deal with on a daily basis from not having their intersections covered with detectable warnings yet!

Vanguard ADA Systems provides training and products to cover national detectable warning needs. Approved Installers of the Vanguard Detectable Warning System offer a 5 Year Replacement Warranty! For information on how to access these products, when to install them, specs, installation demonstrations and videos, go to www.VanguardOnline.com.